PRP for Hair Loss | Best PRP Therapy for Hair Loss
PRP for Hair Loss | Best PRP Therapy for Hair Loss

PRP is a powerfully effective treatment for all kinds of hair loss. It decreases hair fall and strengthens the hair roots, increasing hair density and volume. It is natural, non-surgical and has no side effects. Your own blood has abundant growth factors, which participate in would healing skin growth, hair growth etc. This blood is drawn in small amounts and processed in machines to produce Platelet-rich plasma, containing more than 20 types of growth factors.

It is injected into hair roots with small minimally painful needles. After the procedure, you can take bath and continue your daily activities normally. There are no signs of scalp treatment after the procedure. This procedure should be done monthly for 4-6 sessions to see the best results.
Similarly, PRP can also be done on the face for improving skin texture, pigmentation, scars, collagen induction and for the glow.

Other than PRP, Anova Skin and Hair Clinic also provides Hair transplant in Nepal at an affordable price.